It's been awhile...
A long little while actually...
But I'm glad to be typing on the old blog.
But I'm glad to be typing on the old blog.
Hell, feels pretty good actually.
I wish I had some cool and deep shit to tell you guys during my hiatus, but I just don't. Just know that me and my co workers at the City of Ink have some big things coming up, and my cartoon is progressing on a daily basis.
In short good things are happening. With that being said, we had an artshow the other day at the shop. Tons of people showed and had a blast. For all the people that didn;t come, here is what I submitted. It's called "Star Life." I had a little girl...dreaming of being a rockstar. I thought it was a nice little spin on a popular theme.
Hopefully I will be able to do my blog sketchin thang again one day...lord knows I want to. In the meantime, check back periodically...you never know when I'll get in that drawing mood.