9mag girl

9mag girl

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the completed time lapse video image

A 9mag exclusive for the loyals...here is the image done in the latest time lapse video. Save it, do whatever...

It's yours...promise. lol


a cooler time lapse drawin

If I haven't neglected this blog...

My bad...

Promise I'm gone be posting like crazy soon enough...I mean the comics comin


Til then here's a drawing. I had fun doing it...took an hour, but you guys get to see it in six lil minutes...talk about convenience. Just sayin, have fun and enjoy. More time lapse stuff coming soon to fill the creative gaps that my 9mag peeps are havin. don't relapse on me...i gotcha, lol. Out.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Watch me draw...

I have gotten hold to some futuristic technology that is letting me let you guys see how it feels to be...



Yeah, I guess I'm gonna start updating again. Even a simple drawing looks cool when you can see it being done. I can't wait to do some really detailed things. This is a new era fuckers....so enjoy, lol.
