Sup good people... Welcome to my blog thang
thang where I feel that I can speak my mind and post all the
IMAGES that originate in my head and trickle down to my fingers onto what ever piece of scrap paper I have lying around to draw on.
This won't be ur normal blogsite...
Well I'm prolly just lying..it's gonna be quite similar to what u may expect,
ceptI've given myself
I'm not really gonna be talking to much stuff...more about the images I post
Even if I do talk about stuff...it's prolly not gonna be that deep or intellectually
The 2nd
rule(has rule always been spelled that way...hmm. they should spellit
Roule...sound prestigous)
well Rule two is I'm not spell checking anything
I call it a brain exercise
(them lil red dots under all these words can suck meat)
The next rule (aka #3)
Like most concieted artists...I have other crap I'm working on....
Depending on the daily crap...
You will see that particular image...maybe a tattoo
...Or a drawing...
maybe a cartoon? Or my comic...
Or some shit that i feel is inspiring me at the moment.
The moral of the story is you've been warned...enter and enjoyat ya own risk.
(Now take off ya shoes...these persian mu'fuckin rugs nigga...lol)