I was not ready for this insanity today. I'm a lover of blaxplotation films, so I'm no stranger to Dolemite. I can't say I've seen any whole Dolemite movie as I'm more of a Superfly, Blackbelt Jones, the Mack type of guy. Hell I even liked black dynamite.
So I guess they made an updated version of Dolemite, but still used the original actor who looks like he done been through some things. It was hard enough to watch as they expected us to believe that this old man could do any of these stunts. But when he pops out that bottle of Voodoo Potion #10 (aka liquid crackrock aparrently) crazy shit starts to happen. I aint about to go start no fight with no Jay no time soon.
I was laughing too hard at this...I'm still laughing as I look at it
just click it please...lmao smh
9mag girl

Sunday, August 29, 2010
RIP Michael Jackson

Like everybody else in the world, I want to claim ain't nobody as big of a Michael Jackson fan as me. The truth is the guy was just so amazing that we all were hardcore fans. Me and my girlfriend debate whether there will ever be another Michael Jackson...entertaining and can sing his ass off...being great at every stage of their career from kid to adult...while breaking all race divisions in music...a guy capable of making whole albums that can have every song turned into a single.
I don't think we'll see it in our lifetime, so we have to appreciate that we got to witness his magic while he was here. His legacy will live on....the music's just too good to deny. Little kids can pop out some Michael lyrics and dance moves for you right now, lol.
Yesterday I had a customer fly in from DC to get a tattoo dedicated to her love for music. At the same time it was a Michael Jackson dedication piece. She had the sheet music for "Man in the Mirror" (which was her favorite song), music symbols making the phrase "I love Music" and Michael on his toes from Moonwalker. She gave me free range so I threw my specialty of realism in the mix and added his eyes for the background. While we were doing it, she brought it to my attention that those were the eyes from "Man in the mirror". That was pretty cool cause I can't say I planned that. those eyes just had so much power.
I'm glad I was apart of this piece and can finally say I got to do a Michael tat which is something I've wanted to do for awhile.
You guys have a good day,
I got some tats to draw
I got some tats to draw
Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's no secret that I love the comics...I definitely don't keep that hidden.
But most people assume that I only love big heroes doing all types of crazy action.
On the contrary, I actually love funny paper comics and indie comics quite a bit more. i used to love reading full color sunday comics. Those things used to be the shit. for a short time I thought that that would be my destiny, but for one, I'm not funny enough to come up with a clever joke everyday of the week and two, I do have an appreciation for stories. So naturally I'm taking my personal comics to the indie side. Doesn't mean i still don't love those quick gag comics.
One of my favorite ones was Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. His Jokes were always on point and above all, I felt like it was masterfully drawn for a funny paper comic. Look back at some of them, they are quite detailed.
So I found out in the new issue of Superman/batman that they were gonna pay homage to the series by replacing the characters with Joker and Lex Luther. i was skeptical at how this would turn out, but it's done so well I'm surprised Watterson didn't do it himself. Great job coming from Brian Azzarello on the keyboard and Lee Bermejo handling the art.
So I found out in the new issue of Superman/batman that they were gonna pay homage to the series by replacing the characters with Joker and Lex Luther. i was skeptical at how this would turn out, but it's done so well I'm surprised Watterson didn't do it himself. Great job coming from Brian Azzarello on the keyboard and Lee Bermejo handling the art.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Maggie the tattoo model

I got tons and tons of cool tattoos I've done and really need to upload the pictures. I just had to immediately post this one though.
A new customer of mines, David, came down from Connecticut with his wife to get a couple of tattoos from me after going to melvintodd.com. What made this special is that he really wanted me to do one with Maggie as the model! I was ecstatic. My lil chica was going to get to add to her resume.
What was really interesting is that Maggie is more cartoony, but my tattooing style is realistic. with that, I got to give her even more life in the tattoo giving more dimension. Man I had a blast on this piece and thank David for being apart of it. I may have to get Maggie tattooed on me one day, I was kinda jealous. And yes the words in the banner say "pink panties over a bald monkey". You know I make Maggie do all types of things she dont wanna do. boobie exposed and all, lol.
Well til the next time,
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