9mag girl

9mag girl

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Followers??? where y'all come from...fuck it, here's a reward...meet Maggie!

Last time I checked I had 1 follower, lol. I took down the whole box because it just looked kinda sad.

I decided to put it back up because how could I expect to get more if they couldn't just
click something?

to my amazement, I have 3 more than I thought.
(that's a whole 4 my nigga, lol)

I don't even know how u guys did that and I wasn't giving the option. Anyways, this aint twitter, so everyone that follows me can expect a follow right back. I know you have to have a blog to follow on this thing which lowers numbers just because, so hell following is good. I mean we post shit for a reason (boredom? cries for attention??? who knows?)

People tell me they're looking at the art so that's good, but I draw it for you guys so I hope you all take a look as they post (now the tats....I do that to get paid, lol. them not so free).

For the unknowing dedication, here goes the sketch process for ms 9mag herself...Maggie. Be looking for tons more work of her in the future, especially on the week-daily sketch.



  1. I come from the ways of Mr.Bailey who introduced me to you via his blog which I also follow :)
    Nice to "meet" you

  2. Nice to meet you to. Continue to look every weekday. I'm posting a new sketch on those days.
